Rechenzentren: 10 Mio Server arbeitslos. Data centres: 10 Mio servers jobless

Wie iX unter Berufung auf aktuelle Untersuchungen berichtet, tun weltweit zehn Millionen physische Server nichts als Strom verbrauchen, und zwar so viel wie vier Atomkraftwerke. Grund: schlampiges Ressourcenmanagement. Da hilft ein niedriges PUE leider auch nichts.

According to German IT online portal iX, which cites recent studies from renowned institutions, among them US Uptime Institute, worldwide 10 million servers run but do not fulfill any purpose and waste electricity compareable to the production of 4 atomic power plants. The reason is unprofessional resource management, says iX. Low PUE does not help against this.

Rechenzentren werden zum Problem für Kalifornien/Data Centers become problem for california

Wie das Wall Street Journal in seiner Ausgabe vom 26. Juni berichtet, werden in dem von einer nunmehr vier Jahre währenden Dürre die mehr als 800 Rechenzentren des Staates zum Problem, weil sie zu viel gereinigtes Wasser verbrauchen, das dieselbe Qualität haben muss wie Trinkwasser. EIn Rechenzentrum mit 13 MWatt Leistung verbraucht danach genau so viel Wasser wie ein Krankenhaus mit drei Gebäuden, nämlich zwischen 80 und 130 MIllionen Gallonen Wasser. EIne Gallone entspricht knapp vier Litern. Reine Luftkühlung ist in dem Land und anderen heißen US-Regionen wegen der hohen Temperaturen. Laut Wall Street Journal suchen die Rechenzentrumsbetreiber nach Auswegen, indem sie eigene Quellen bohen wie NTT COmmunications, Regenwasser ernten wie Google, sich um recycletes Wasser bemühen wie Digital Reality.

Kommentar Wenn die Trockenheit anhält, könnte die IT-Industrie ausgerechnet am Ort ihrer intensivsten Entfaltung, dem Silicon Valley, an natürliche Grenzen stoßen, die die Branche ja mit einem Blick aufs Virtuelle gern verleugnet. Man darf gespannt sein, ob die Branche durch die Entwicklung neuer Technologien reagiert oder sich doch lieber den natürlichen Gegebenheiten beugt und Rechenzentren in ördliche Regionen, die ja in den USA reichlich vorhanden sind, verlagert.

In English:According to a Wall Street Journal report of June 26th, datacentres may becomme problematic for California because of their use of water for cooling purposes. The area and other southern parts of the US suffer from a 4-year-draught, the worst in 1000 years, and has about 800 datacentres, new ones built every year. Datacentres use cleaned tap waters of drinking water quality. A datacentre of 13 MW électrical performance according to WSJ needs as much water as a hospital with three buildings, beteween 80 and 130 million gallons a year. One gallon is about 4 litres (continental europe). Cooling datacentres with air is difficult in the southern parts of the US as air temperatures are high. According to WSJ datacenter companies are looking for solutions: NTT COmmunications is drilling its own deep wells, Google tries to harvest rain water, Digital Reality tries to get hold of recycled used water („grey water“)

Commentary: If the draught keeps on, the virtuality-loving IT-Industry could well be faced with the faborably denied limits of nature right in its heart, Silicon Valley. It will be interesting to watch if the branch will react by developing new, less water-dependent cooling technologies or will prefer to move on to less draught-exposed regions with colder temperatures, ´many of which exist in the northern parts of the USA.

Modular Phone from Fairphone/modulares Handy von Fairphone

The second-generation smartphones of German sustainable smartphone producer, Fairphone, have a modular design. By this, Fairphone wants to prolong the lifetime of ist smartphones beyond the usual 1-2 years and make upgrades possible. So far, Fairphone has sold about 60.000 of ist first-generation-smartphones. Fairphone 2 has a Full HD 5 Zoll Display, uses the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 801 platform and has a Dual-SIM-function. An integrated protection cover on the back side replaces additional protection covers. The device can be opened easily, the battery is replaceable, broken parts (display, camera, speaker and microphone) can be repaired either by the user himself or a specialist. All technical documentation is on the web site. Production of the Fairphone 2 is financed by prepaid orders, a model that prooved successful for the first Edition. Fairphone 2 will cost 525 € and is only for European customers. Interested customers have to Register on a list. 50.000 have already subscribed.
Have a look at the product a href=““>Video!

On the way to the Post-PUE-era?

During the recent years PUE was the most important Parameter for the energy effectivenes of data centers. Now, scientists and practitioners more and more see the shortcomings of that concept. PUE (Power usage effectiveness)means the relation of energy used for purposes like cooling, climatization etc. to the energy used for IT-work. But PUE has some shortcomings. The following were referred to during Datacloud Europe 2015 in Monaco in June:
1. It conflicts with other Parameters, e.g. the share of reused excess heat: the warmer air or water is leaving the data Center the easier it is to use it e.g. for district heating. The other way round: The less excess heat a datacenter produces the less possible is it to recycle the heat. So, in some cases it may very well be better to have a Little less favorable PUE to reach a higher percentage of reused thermal energy and in total a higher energy efficiency.
2. The utilisation of the IT Equipment is not put into the equation: Average datacenters have today an utilisation of 30 to 40 percent maximum, according to datacenter specialists. 60 to 70 percent of the Equipment uses energy with no use. So some specialists want to use a new term (TCUE, Total Cost of Used Equipment). The term divides the total Leasing cost of IT Equipment and the total power cost by the sum of IT power and the cost of the relly used IT Equipment. This puts utilisation in the Picture and shows that bad usage practise may very well (over)compensate the use of renewable energy reources. One source of overequipping datacenters ist security: The higher the Tier Level, the more redundancy has to be built into the datacenter. But in Monaco specialists said: For most datacenters, Tier II and Tier III (partial redundancy) is well enough and saves tons of Money and energy use. So, have a close look at Your infrastructure and make sensible decisions on how to protect what infrasatructurewise.
3. Research at the Polytechnicum of Turin shows that local hot and cold spots from irregular airflows e.g. between or inside the racks have to be taken into account to find the Optimum ingress temperature for cold air into Servers and other IT equipment. These calculations are performed by advanced fluid dynamics algorithms, but promise interesting results. These effects are not represented in the PUE calculations.
4. The degree of used renewable energy: If the datacenter is operated effectively and with a high utilisation, the most important source of further carbon dioxide savings and in future probabely also money is the use of new renewable energy sources instead of buying certificates or using „conservative“ renewable sources e.g. water power from dams. That is why more and more big cloud Players invest into solar or wind power plants. Latest examples are Yahoo (wind farms), Amazon (Solar power) and Google 8wants to use renewables only in five years).

Smergy – Energietipps für Heimverbraucher energy saving in the home

Wer gern im Haushalt Energie sparen möchte, erfährt auf der erfrischend „jung“ gestalteten Website, wie das möglich ist, und kann auch gleich Punkte sammeln (es sei denn, das allgegenwärtige Punktgesammel nervt schon). Man erfährt interessante Dinge wie z.B., dass das Abwaschen mit der Spülmaschine, wenn sie voll beladen ist, Energie gegenüber der Handwäsche spart. Ob darin allerdings die Produktion und Entsorgung der Spülmaschine und die Salzbelastung durch Spülmaschinensalz schon mit berücksichtigt sind, erfährt man nicht. Und auch nicht, ob das meist erfolgende Vorspülen verdreckten Geschirrs, das Nachspülen der nach dem Spülen noch immer verdreckteh Töpfe und das Abwaschen der Küche, das ja leider die Spülmaschine nicht übernimmt, für das aber auch Wasser gebraucht wird, ebenfalls einbezogen wurden. Trotzdem ist die Seite definitiv einen Blick wert.

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